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How to Improve Keyword Consistency

Improve Keyword Consistency
Improve Keyword Consistency

No matter how many Google updates roll out, there is one thing that will always be needed – keywords. At the beginning of each search project, you will be faced with the task of picking out keywords and placing them in the relevant places on your site and/or blog.

Just because this method is everywhere, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take it seriously. Honestly, you need to realize the importance of keyword consistency. In the paragraphs below, we are going to tell you why the consistent use of keywords is important and how to improve keyword consistency.

What Does Keyword Consistency Mean?

Keyword consistency means you will need to have the keywords (or a set of keywords) that you would like to rank for searches spread throughout your web page.

Keyword Consistency

Keyword Consistency vs. Keyword Density?

Don’t confuse keyword consistency with keyword density, as many do. Keyword density means the number of times a specific keyword shows up in the content. Keyword density used to be important back in the day, but this is no longer a deciding factor when it comes to improving your search ranking of your site.

The Importance of Keyword Consistency

Keyword consistency is needed in order to rank high in those search results. By using your keywords consistently, the search engine crawlers will be able to index and place the site in search results for the particular keyword.

Yes, search engines may be able to understand some content without keyword consistency, because of top of the line indexing algorithms have been developed, but the importance of keyword consistency is still there.

How to Improve Keyword Consistency?

Once you have figured out which keywords you will be targeting on a particular page, you need to make sure you use it properly. We recommend starting out with the title tag – the title tag is the biggest signal websites send out to search engines.

During your keyword research, there will be a number of possibilities, so you need to take your time to do research and not rush the job – your job during this time would be to make the best selection of keywords.

The Meta Title

As we told you before, the meta title is important. This meta title needs to be unique for each web page. This content appears as soon as you open the page and it is also the title that shows up in search engines. You should include your target keyword in the meta title.

title Keyword Consistency

Meta Description is Just as Important

Along with the meta title comes the meta description – this is just as important as it is an expanded version of your meta tag. In this description, you should include your chosen keyword.

description Keyword Consistency

Pay Attention to the Website Body

Of course, your website body will need to contain the chosen keyword. Since there will be a large amount of content on your web page, you can include the main keyword, along with the secondary keyword. However, remember, there is a thin line when it comes to keyword consistency and stuffing on the site. There are no specific amount of times the keyword should appear in the content, the trick is to make sure the keywords are relevant and not stuffed throughout the site.

To improve the chance of getting a higher ranking in search results for a specific keyword, you have to include this keyword and its keyword phrases in heading and sub-heading. Also, there are many other places that should be considered in your page content to improve keyword consistency. For example, page URL, image alt text, internal links, and anchor text.

heading content Keyword Consistency

What is Your Next Step?

Now, do you understand the importance of keyword consistency and the best practices to improve keyword consistency? You see, no matter how many times you share your articles or how many visitors you get, you are never going to get a good Google ranking, unless your content has a good keyword consistency ratio.



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